
   About  Recruitment Start Up Ltd ...

Managing Director, Joe Davis has experience of working in the recruitment industry for 30 years.

During his time in recruitment Joe has worked at Director and Senior Management level for companies such as Reed Personnel, Blue Arrow, Crown Personnel, Recruit Personnel and Working Wonders.

He has personally been responsible for setting up a number of recruitment businesses from Catering and Industrial Agencies to IT and Executive Search Consultancies.

He is the author of a number of books relating to various aspects of the recruitment industry such as ‘How to run a successful recruitment agency’, ‘How to find your perfect job in 30 days or less’ and ‘How to find employment in the UK with or without a Work Permit’.

He is one of the panel of experts for the 'Start Your Business' magazine where he answers questions and gives advice to budding entrepreneurs regarding issues on recruitment and starting a business.



The recruitment start up training programme, designed to encourage repeat business, is based upon a training model that promotes controlled and sustainable growth aimed at producing high gross margins and good cash flow from delivering a top quality service.

The training & services provided throughout the sessions include step by step guidelines on how to access 100s of job vacancies, many not registered with any recruitment agency, plus provide you with access to a comprehensive database of millions of candidates for you to match and place into employment.


To book a place at the Workshop call us now at 0800 622 6877. Please know that the places at the workshops go quickly, and will be run for a limited time only. Depending on numbers, this may be your only chance to benefit from our FREE Workshop on how to start your own Recruitment Business.





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